About Emelie Gaveberg

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So far Emelie Gaveberg has created 112 blog entries.

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https://www.solvina.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Reklamfilm_V03.mp4 ----- Solvinas mycket populära kurs ”Praktisk reglerteknik för processindustrin” kommer att genomföras den 4-6 februari 2020. Läs mer om kursen och anmäl dig här. På efterfrågan från våra tidigare kursdeltagare planerar vi också för en fortsättningskurs i praktisk reglerteknik, och vill gärna ha dina inspel på innehåll. Skicka oss ett mail med dina förslag till education@solvina.com, så tar vi med dem i vår planering.

By |2022-10-18T14:08:14+00:00September 27th, 2019|

Är Du vår nya chef?

Är det Du som är Solvina AB:s nya chef för affärsområde Dynamics & Control? Vår VD Ulla-Karin Wendt vill gärna att du kontaktar henne. Ansök och läs mer om tjänsten här.

By |2019-09-23T09:23:26+00:00September 23rd, 2019|

Vi söker flera medarbetare!

Solvina, ett litet konsultbolag med familjär känsla nära dig. Nu ska vi bli fler och hoppas att just du är rätt person att vara med på vår resa. Se filmen här. Klicka här för mer info om lediga tjänster!

By |2022-10-18T14:08:14+00:00September 20th, 2019|

Solvina at the 33rd Activity Committee Meet

One of our co-workers in India, Deepesh Yadav, gave on July 30-31st a presentation at the 33rd Activity Committee Meet on the topic “Ensuring Utilities to Achieve Operational Excellence Through Integrated Steam and Power Studies". The meet was organized by the Centre for High Technology (Ministry Of Petroleum And Natural Gas, GoI) & Indian Oil Corporation Limited (Panipat Refinery & Petrochemical Complex). The main topic of the meet was “Power Generation, Distribution, Electrical Maintenance & Utilities”. Top photo: After the presentation Partha ...

By |2022-10-18T14:08:14+00:00September 3rd, 2019|

Solvina & Terna S.A. in Greece

Solvina has successfully completed testing on South Rhodes power plant, a power plant with seven four-stroke 8V46 diesel engine generators (119 MW) on Rhodes, Greece. The tests were performed in close collaboration with Terna S.A. to investigate the power swing-, angular deviation-, cyclic irregularity- and PSS-function of each generator set at the newly built power plant. It was demonstrated that the power plant was well inside the success criteria for all measured and analyzed values.  Thank you Terna S.A. for ...

By |2022-10-18T14:08:14+00:00August 27th, 2019|

Meet our new Managing Director of Solvina International AB

Mr. Sven Granfors has been appointed new Managing Director of Solvina International AB. He will assume responsibilities on July 1st and will succeed Mr. Niclas Krantz, who will step into the role as Senior Advisor and  International Sales. Mr. Sven Granfors has a long history within the Solvina group and has unique skills in power plant testing and analysis, and long experience in sales and management. “We are very pleased to have Sven in place as Managing Director, and are confident ...

By |2019-06-05T14:40:16+00:00June 5th, 2019|

Aloha Hawaii

Solvina has finished the first island operation test on a Wärtsilä power plant with reciprocating engines in Hawaii, USA. The tests were performed in close collaboration with Wärtsilä to show the feasibility of island operation on one of their newly built power plants. It was demonstrated that the power plant could handle sudden load changes of up to about 23% of full load and keep the frequency within ±3 Hz, which can be seen as very promising results to ensure ...

By |2022-10-18T14:08:15+00:00May 10th, 2019|

Welcome Gustav Sondell!

We would like to welcome Gustav Sondell as a new member of our Dynamics & Control team at Solvina. Gustav has recently finalized his Master Thesis project “Improved control strategies for primary frequency control in Swedish combined heat and power plants" at Solvina. The thesis investigated different control strategies that could be used to improve the frequency control performance. His knowledge in process design and control will be a most valuable contribution to our competence portfolio. We are looking ...

By |2022-10-18T14:08:15+00:00May 10th, 2019|
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