Please find contact details below for our various business units. If you would like to know more about our operations, or our service offering, you are welcome to get in touch.
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Sven Granfors
Managing Director Solvina AB
Phone: +46 (0)31-709 63 18
Mobile: +46 (0)708-72 10 86
“My passion and drive comes from seeing all the successful results we can accomplish; the positive environmental impacts, large customer savings, better electricity availability for the people, development of engineers and growth of the company. The extremely competent employees, high level of engineering and “can do” attitude is what makes Solvina so special.”
Sven has long practical experience as power system specialist and is highly business oriented. He has developed many of the methods and technologies used in Solvina’s power plant testing services. Sven enjoys building long term relationships with employees and customers world wide. All though his current position, Managing Director of Solvina International AB, he thrives on engaging in all parts of the projects; management, business development, sales, project management and engineering.
– Master of Science in electrical engineering from Chalmers University and University of Stuttgart.
– Studies and work in Iceland.
– Power system and power plant dynamics specialist at Solvina AB, 2001-2014.
– Business unit manager at Solvina AB, 2014-2018.
– Business development mangager at Minesto (Tidal power plant developer) 2018-2019.
– Managing director at Solvina International AB.

Björn Ivarsson
Business Unit Manager Engineering Management Solvina AB
Phone: +46 (0)31-709 63 07
Mobile: +46 (0)703-59 88 19
“The best thing about working at Solvina is the variation in assignments and customers and to apply my experiences adapted to other industries and businesses. The biggest challenge is to meet the customer in their “reality” and adapt solutions according to their needs – to successfully implement changes.“
Björn has previous experience from the product development industry and the nuclear power industry with systems design, management, project management and as a client ordering projects. Björn has been in the corresponding position as Solvina’s customers, which makes him unique.
– MSc Electrical Engineering.
– Björn worked for six years at Ericsson with mobile telephony; first with signal processing and then as system design responsible for development of base stations for a customer in Japan. Björn then changed path to nuclear power and worked as a project manager at Ringhals. He then became technical support manager for Ringhals 2 with responsibility for development, maintenance, licensing, plant documentation etc. After that he worked as head of an internal consulting department at Vattenfall focusing on nuclear safety and licensing. Between October 2014 and December 2016, he worked in Abu Dhabi for a company building four new nuclear power plants as a licensing manager for the operating organization. The work involved preparations of the organization for operations (competence, resources, working methods and processes, etc.) and contributing to the project’s licensing work.
– Employed at Solvina since January 2017.

Joakim Hiramsson
Business Unit Manager Dynamics and Control Solvina AB
Phone: +46 (0)31-709 63 17
Mobile: +46 (0)708-72 10 87
“The best thing about working at Solvina is hearing about the value our highly competent consultants provide to our customers. I am very confident in the competence of my responsibility-taking colleagues. I am fully commited to the continued development of the team, the company, and our customers. Toghether we will reach success through development, cooperation, and communication.”
Joakim started at Solvina as a thesis worker in 2017. Joakim has experience both as technical consultant and as project manager. His technical field is power system studies on power plant level. His work is focused on areas such as model development and validation; static calculations and dynamic simulations; and analysis of stability and control performance.
– Power Systems Engineer, Solvina AB (2017 – )
– BSc Business Administration, School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg.
– MSc Electrical Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology.
Shahzad Alam
Managing Director Solvina India Private Ltd
Phone: +91 120 4516596
Mobile: +91 99 10611184
“The biggest challenge at Solvina is managing business and cultural disparity, selling value of our services to extremely cost sensitive Indian market, where we seldom value intellectual propriety. I’ve got a desire to learn and self-improve, to build the Solvina brand in and around India, to stay ethical in a tough business environment, and to associate Solvina services with the big business organizations.”
Shahzad works with business development and team building at Solvina’s office in New Dehli, India. He has an ardent interest in customer satisfaction and relation building.
– Electrical engineering graduate.
– More than 29 years of experience in the power sector.
From project execution to operation and maintenance. He has developed special interest in condition monitoring of electrical equipment with specialized training in techniques like partial discharge analysis and motor current signature analysis.
– Entrepreneur and in business for over a decade providing consultancy services to power sector in the field of condition assessment and diagnostics. Shahzad’s expertise in power quality analysis has been crucial in helping the Central Electricity Regulatory Committee, India, in framing of regulations for Power Quality.
– Employed at Solvina since 2015.

Emelie Gaveberg
Deputy Managing Director Solvina AB
Phone: +46 (0)31-709 63 06
Mobile: +46 (0)708-72 10 83
“The biggest challenge for me is to find more competent colleagues who fit our business, who want to grow with us and contribute to Solvina. I strongly believe in our philosophy of putting great effort into getting to know our applicants and employees both as talented engineers and as the personalities we all are. ”
Meet the central connecting point of Solvina. Since Emelie has been working at Solvina since the start, in 1998, she knows the company both inside and out. She is the one who ties it all together when needed.
– M.Sc. in mechanical engineering.
– Through her thesis project, Emelie got in touch with Mikael Nyström. He employed Emelie and she worked for a couple of years as a consultant at Ringhals nuclear power plant. She was then asked by Mikael to accompany him at Solvina when he, Peter Dahlström and Pontus Ryd started Solvina.
– Emelie has mainly worked as a consultant in the nuclear power industry with modernization of control systems, and also in recent years on the infrastructure side. Emelie has been business area manager and deputy managing director of Solvina AB, deputy managing director of Solvina Group AB and project manager for Solvinas ISO 9001 and 14001 certification.
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