Master thesis: Virtual power plant (ex2023-001)
Thesis Description:
Solvina has developed a testing equipment to analyse the dynamic performance of power plants while connected to the power grid. As part of our long tradition of continuously developing our testing equipment, this thesis work is aiming at developing a virtual power plant framework. The thesis work can include tasks such as:
- Software design and programming of framework
- Programming of power plant models for synchronous and inverter-based production
- Hardware specification and construction
- Testing and validation
The virtual power plant framework will be implemented on a real-time computer, and it should include some of the most common signals for monitoring and control of a power plant. It should also have a hardware interface with the same type of signals that are found in a real power plant.
The students completing this thesis will gain great knowledge of the workings of a power plant, from its dynamics and control systems to the interaction and integration with the power grid.
For this thesis we are looking for one or two students with the following background:
- MSc student within electric power, automation, signals and systems, or similar
- Special interest in the following areas is meriting:
- Power plant dynamics and interaction with the grid
- Control theory
- Programming (LabView, Simulink)
Solvina is offering:
An exciting thesis work performed in a highly competent environment with expert areas such as electric power engineering, process and control engineering, and engineering management. The thesis will be performed at our headquarters in Gothenburg. The exact scope will be decided together with the students to match with the students’ interest areas.
If you have any questions about the thesis, please contact Bengt Johansson at bengt.johansson@solvina.com or 031-709 63 66. Selection takes place continuously.