Course at Chalmers – A success!

In August Solvina gave the course Power System Stability at Chalmers University of Technology. We are happy and proud that the course turned out to be a hit for our participants from Sweden, Italy, Germany, Finland and Malaysia.
“Bengt was very clear during his lectures. He is extremely prepared on the topics he presented during the course. It was a pleasure to attend!” Thank you Pozzi Fabio, CESI, for that comment and thank you and all other participants for attending the course!
The Power System Stability course is aimed at grid operators, network & system planners from the transmission industry, and engineers and management in power generation industries. Course participants will enhance their understanding of theory and practice of system stability & control, and mitigation of system oscillations after contingencies. The course bridges the gap between theoretical and practical concepts by combining lectures with lab demonstrations at Chalmers.
Do you want to participate in the next course opportunity? Please send an email to