Nu kan du läsa Safety Demonstration Plan Guide online

Solvina har utvecklat en guide för säkerhetsdemonstration inom kärnkraftsindustrin. Guiden omfattar hur man planerar och utför en säkerhetsdemonstration för digitala instrumenterings- och styrsystem inom nya byggprojekt och modifieringsprojekt. Energiforsk har nu publicerat rapporten online och kan hittas på följande länk:
Safety Demonstration Plan Guide – now online
Solvina has developed a guide concerning safety demonstration within the nuclear power industry. This guide has now been published online by Energiforsk and comprises how to plan for and perform safety demonstration for digital instrumentation and control systems in new build project, but also for modifications projects. The purpose with this guide is to ensure the facility’s safety, demonstrate safety for reviewers and responsible authorities and to minimize licensing and economic risks linked to the project. In this updated version of the guide, new experiences and references has been added within Safety Demonstration. The guide can be found on the following link: