Solvina at the 33rd Activity Committee Meet

One of our co-workers in India, Deepesh Yadav, gave on July 30-31st a presentation at the 33rd Activity Committee Meet on the topic “Ensuring Utilities to Achieve Operational Excellence Through Integrated Steam and Power Studies”.
The meet was organized by the Centre for High Technology (Ministry Of Petroleum And Natural Gas, GoI) & Indian Oil Corporation Limited (Panipat Refinery & Petrochemical Complex). The main topic of the meet was “Power Generation, Distribution, Electrical Maintenance & Utilities”.
Top photo: After the presentation Partha Jyoti (to the left), the Joint Director of Centre for High Technology – Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Government of India, met with Solvina’s Shahzad Alam (in the middle) and Deepesh Yadav (to the right) and gave souvenirs.