Successful course in Power System Stability at Chalmers University of Technology

Solvina has just delivered another successful course in Power System Stability at Chalmers University of Technology with a diverse combination of participants from Europe and Asia both onsite and online from various TSOs, power generators and academia. The course bridges the gap between theoretical and practical concepts by combining lectures with lab demonstrations at Chalmers.
“All topics covered in the course were relevant and essential for myself to perform in my daily work.” – Lauri Kauppi, Wärtsilä.
“The content is rich in practical examples and measurements, which is a big plus for all of us who work in science and education. A special plus is that the material covered is up to date with current trends in development and application.” – Ružica Kljajić, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology Osijek.
“The course has discussed the important aspects of power system stability as well as demonstrated it in the lab” – Anthony F. Lacastesantos, National Grid Corporation of the Philippines.
Do you want to participate in the next course opportunity? Please send an email to